Thursday 12 July 2018 in The Guardian

"Why am I under pressure to buy a new build despite legal snags?"  by Anna Tims

Sunday 12 September 2018 in The Sunday Times

"Unfair Share - The Scandal of Shared Ownership Schemes" by Alexandra Goss


Monday  30 April 2018 in The Daily Mail

"How the dash to build is turning dream homes into nightmares"   by Tom Rawstorne

Friday 23rd November 2018

BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester
"Our new-build home has 354 defects"

Friday 7th December 2018 The Times

"New homes built with crumbly walls" by David Byers

Thursday 6th December 2018 The Sun
'Hundreds of new-build houses at risk of crumbling due to low quality mortar' by Neal Baker

Thursday 6th December 2018

New Home Expert on BBC2 Victoria Derbyshire

New homes 'crumbling due to weak mortar'

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Earlier coverage in the media can be found here: 2019  2017 and 2006-2016






In the Media - 2018

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"The NHBC mission statement is 'Raising Standards protecting homeowners' and from where I’m sitting I can’t see that they are doing either."

"Weak mortar – the next housebuilding scandal"

Why do people have to fight so hard do you think, to get problems like this fixed?

"I don’t know! It’s black and white to me. If the mortar has not got sufficient cement in it, it’s not strong enough, therefore it doesn’t comply with the warranty standards."

"If it wasn’t a problem, why are the NHBC and the builders buying houses back off of these people and then asking them to sign a non-disclosure agreement and keep quiet about it?  It’s going on, it’s just not being talked about."

Do you think it would be better for the industry if agreements like that were not allowed?

"I think it would be better for the whole of the nation, if agreements like that were not allowed in any industry. Non disclosure agreements should be banned full stop I think. If it’s all covered up, more victims are likely to be drawn into the net and make the same mistakes"


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